Join us


We are building a vibrant community of creative, like-minded individuals who are passionate about their crafts. Whether you're an artist, a handcraft maker, or simply someone who appreciates creativity and innovation, we welcome you to join us. Together, we can learn, share, and grow in a supportive and inspiring environment.

Workshop Participation

Are you a curious and eager person? Would you like to participate in our workshops? Please leave a comment about what kind of workshops you are interested in, along with your email, below and we will be in touch!


Are you an artist yourself? Would you like to share your passion with like-minded cool people? Do you want to run your workshops at our cozy place? Please leave a comment with your ideas and your email below and we will be in touch!

Handcraft Makers

Are you a handcraft maker? Would you like to sell your beautiful craft at our cozy store? Please leave a comment with your ideas and email below and we will be in touch!

Contact form